Getting Nauti & What the **** is a "Blog"?

Getting Nauti & What the **** is a "Blog"?


My name is John and I am the founder of Getting Nauti.  My partner, Ashley, and I have been running this business for a while now, thanks to all of you, but a lot of you have been telling us something is missing: 

We should have a blog!

A what now?

A place to tell our stories, talk about things that are important to us, and just keep in touch with our friends and followers.  Oh, OK, that sounds easy enough, right?  Yeah, right.  I can tell a story like nobody's business (especially if it's a tall tale), but writing one down? That's HARD, people.  Telling a story you can gauge the interest level of the listener by their reaction and alter your style accordingly. You have a back and forth you just don't have when you commit a story to paper.  

And, of course, there is plausible deniability. "Why no, officer, I never said anything of the sort!"

So here I am, looking at a blank page on the computer, trying to figure out just what to say.  I hope you'll bear with me (and us) as we get our sea legs under us on this whole blog idea.

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